Here's Lois and Sandi Harnish comparing their sizes on April 13, 1981.
Three weeks later Saturday May 2 we went to the hospital with a lot of anticipation and trepidation. Things didn't move very fast so we got to play several games of Scrabble and even watched the Kentucky Derby before things finally started making more progress with the help of pitocin. Finally after an utterly exhausting night (for Lois) on Monday May 4, 1981 Timothy John Nafziger arrived a healthy 9 lb 3 oz. It was a long delivery and I remember checking the sizes of all the other babies in the maternity ward and finding just one heavier than him but none with as big a head. Here he is arriving home.

There's just these short entries from Grandma Hess's diary:
May 4 Timothy John Nafziger arrived this morning at 4:13 AM.... Papa and I went in to see John and Lois and Timothy.
May 4 Timothy John Nafziger arrived this morning at 4:13 AM.... Papa and I went in to see John and Lois and Timothy.
Here's a professional picture at 3 months all bright-eyed with the determined look of a future activist-peacemaker.

And lastly, here's with Pappy and Grammy at 4 months. Unfortunately Grammy has her eyes closed but remember this was before the days you could snap 10 pictures and pick the one where everyone looks their best.

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